For your convenience, here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions fielded by K9 Ranch staff — and, of course, the accompanying answers (answers that staff are happy to elaborate on if you choose to make contact by phone or e-mail):
A: K9 Ranch is located at 1230 Concession Road 7, Palgrave, Ontario — less than 1 hour from Toronto, and only 15 minutes north of Bolton, 15 minutes west of Orangeville, and 25 minutes south of Barrie. For detailed directions, click here.
A: Tours, pick-ups and drop-offs must be scheduled in advance. You can book an appointment to pick-up or drop-off your dog as early as 7:00 a.m. and as late as 7:00 p.m.
A: Making reservations is as easy as calling — 905-936-2224 — or e-mailing — — K9 Ranch. Alternatively, there is a third option: an online Reservation Request Form, conveniently accessible through this website, right here. As you would expect, weekends, holidays, and summer dates are in high demand so it’s advisable to book as early as possible. At the time of making your reservation, feel free to ask whatever questions you might have — and K9 Ranch staff will ask you in return for basic information about your dog (age, breed, approximate weight, etc.), as well as for the dates you’d like to reserve.
If you decide to proceed with registration, it will be necessary for you to create an online account. Also, required vet records should be supplied to K9 Ranch at least 7 days in advance of your dog’s check-in day. If the account is not complete in full prior to check-in, you’ll be (tactfully) reminded to do so at check-in. (Keep in mind that lack of up-to-date vet records could very likely result in your dog not being allowed to board here.)
PLEASE NOTE: At this point, only cash and e-transfer are accepted as payment. All reservations must be confirmed either by phone or in person. Cancellation of a reservation must be received at least one week prior to the scheduled check-in time to avoid a charge equal to two days’ boarding fee.
A: K9 Ranch rates and costs can be found by clicking here: HERE.
A: You can book an appointment to pick-up or drop-off your dog as early as 7:00 a.m. and as late as 7:00 p.m.
A: Leaving your dog is not an easy thing to do, especially for an extended boarding stay. But when the boarding is at K9 Ranch, your dog won’t mind being left — not if you take a few simple preparatory steps beforehand. Keep in mind as you read the following that the steps marked with an * are essential; those unmarked are not essential but are very highly recommended:
1) Arrange an initial “meet and greet” at K9 Ranch to give you and your dog an opportunity to take a look around the property, meet the owners and staff and any sociable guests who happen to be present, and get a feel for the welcoming atmosphere. This visit (lasting anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours, entirely your choice) also enables ranch staff to get to know your dog and learn about his or her personality and individual requirements. Lastly, this visit will allow your dog to form the understanding that K9 Ranch is an enjoyable temporary place to be — a temporary place to visit before returning home with you. The end result is that your dog will feel far less separation anxiety when the time comes for the actual boarding stay.
2) If you’re planning to board your dog for a week or more, it’s advisable to take advantage of K9 Ranch’s daycare service prior to the boarding stay. Doing so will ensure that your dog develops positive and happy mental and emotional connections to the ranch, and that the boarding stay will be as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.
*3) Create and complete a full Pet Profile, click here. Alternately, if you prefer, ranch staff would be happy to mail or e-mail these forms to you.
*4) Read the information on the forms, call or e-mail ranch staff for clarification or to have any questions answered, then fill out the forms.
*5) Ensure that all mandatory Vaccination and Medical Test Requirements are met and satisfied. For a detailed list of these requirements, click here.
*6) Make sure to have your veterinarian e-mail proof of vaccinations or of a Titer Test to K9 Ranch (e-mail address: at least 7 days before the commencement of boarding.
*7) If you haven’t already done so, make a reservation by phoning or e-mailing K9 Ranch, or by filling in the Online Reservation.
PLEASE NOTE: Cancellation of a reservation must be received at least one week prior to the scheduled check-in time to avoid a charge equal to two days’ boarding fee.
A: Although check-in time begins at 3:00 p.m. and runs until 7:00 p.m., it’s in your dog’s best interest to be dropped-off as early in this time-range as possible, rather than as darkness approaches. Doing so ensures that your dog will adjust much more smoothly to staying at the ranch because there will be time for sniffing around, playing, and getting used to his/her guest room before lights out.
A: Ranch staff will unload all your dog’s belongings and label them; pre-labelled meal bags will be placed in your dog’s personal food storage compartment. During check-in — especially on a first visit — your contact information, and your dog’s online Pet Registration, online Pet Profile, and vet records will be reviewed. Following this, there will be a brief discussion about your dog’s boarding stay, his or her habits, routine, special needs, and any specific care instructions.
Then it’s time for goodbye — or goodbye for now might be a more appropriate way to say it. A quick hug or kiss is recommended (it should be clarified that this refers to you and your dog, not you and ranch staff), rather than a prolonged, emotional parting that betrays any nervousness or anxiety you might be experiencing. After all, you want your dog to be happy and excited about this new adventure on which they’re em-barking (dogs love that word), not picking up your negative emotions and associating these with checking-in at the ranch, and as a result becoming nervous or anxious too. It’s best for you to keep in mind that your dog is about to begin a fun-filled vacation of his or her own, a holiday in the care of a loving, compassionate surrogate family skilled at distracting dogs from their parents’ absence. If you feel at ease about the boarding stay, then your dog will too. So — a quick hug, a brief goodbye for now, a loving “see you soon” and that’s that!
The check-in process should take approximately 10 minutes on your dog’s first visit; on subsequent visits, only around 5 minutes.
A: At this point, we accept cash, online credit card payment and e-transfer
A: Although the ranch is fully staffed and operational during holidays in terms of caring for boarded dogs, the ranch office is closed for both drop-offs and pick-ups on the following days:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Victoria Day
- Canada Day
- August Civic Holiday
- Labour Day
- Thanksgiving
- Remembrance Day
- Christmas Holiday (Dec 24 pm, Dec 25 & 26)
- New Year’s Eve
- New Year’s Day
As you would imagine, space is limited during the above holidays; furthermore, a 3-day minimum stay is required to make a reservation that encompasses any of these dates, and a 5-day minimum stay is required encompassing Christmas Holiday and New Year’s.
In addition there is a 10% surcharge added for all stays encompassing any of the above days, to help cover the cost of the added staff necessarry due to the higher volumes.
Discounts, special offers and promotions DO NOT APPLY to holiday visits. Sorry.
A: No need to worry — K9 Ranch can absolutely ensure this. The property features separate play areas for big dogs and small dogs. Furthermore, only dogs with compatible temperaments are allowed to socialize and play together: so smaller aggressive dogs won’t have an opportunity to make your dog feel uncomfortable either.
And if your dog is the type who prefers only human companionship, ranch staff will give him one-on-one playtime and attention — just let them know his individual needs in advance.
A: Unfortunately we specialize in social play and stimulation. Though all dogs deserve an opportunity to stay at a dog boarding facility, certain facilities walk dogs one at a time and others, like ours, create dog social groups. We suggest that for anti-social dogs you choose the right facility for your pup’s needs. Please feel free to contact us for recommendations, we are happy to help you find the right facility for your pup.
A: Where Day Camp is for social dogs, Day Boarding is a related alternative designed to suit dogs who are more at ease with only human contact rather than interaction with other canines. K9 Ranch staff give Day Boarding guests the same level of love and care and individual attention as Day Campers, and the same healthy exercise and walks and playtime. The only difference is that it’s a one-on-one interaction with no other four-legged company. Rather than being in the open environment that the Day Campers share, Day Boarders have unlimited access to the generous individual outdoor runs. And the attentive care given by ranch staff ensures that Day Boarding is far more stimulating for your dog than if he or she were left at home alone.
A: Absolutely, yes! Just let ranch staff know the details of your dog’s health and recuperation process, and the specific care he needs, and everything will be handled according to your requirements and instructions. In fact, K9 Ranch offers a unique convalescence program called Wellness Care, designed to help dog-owners whose four-legged child is recovering from an illness, an injury, or surgery. For more details on this program, click here.
A: Absolutely not! K9 Ranch will not nickel and dime you for your special needs dog. Just provide staff with the labelled medication and detailed instructions and all will be taken care of (unless the medical care involves the administering of shots which, unfortunately, cannot be given here).
A: Nothing gives a dog more of a sense of being at home, even when they’re not, than food that they’re familiar with. To make the transition from home to K9 Ranch as smooth as possible, and to ensure that sensitive stomachs remain free from upset, it’s best to keep your dog’s diet regular and consistent. You should therefore supply a sufficient amount of food from home to last the entire boarding period — including drop-off and pick-up days. Feeding at the ranch takes place twice a day, at specified times.
Dogs are fed with the same attention and love that you show at home — rest assured that your feeding and special care instructions will be painstakingly adhered to — and every effort is made to ensure that appetites are kept at healthy levels. Even so, there may occur times when dogs demonstrate disinterest in their food, so it’s advisable for you to also supply any special canned or raw food, or other additive enticement, that your dog particularly enjoys, so that it can be mixed into meals to encourage eating, if required.
A: No problem at all. Given that K9 Ranch has both a refrigerator and freezer available for the storage of its guests’ food, raw diets, dehydrated food, and home-prepared meals are welcome, if these are your dog’s preference. If your dog eats a different meal for breakfast than for dinner, then the individual meal bags should be labelled accordingly.
K9 Ranch staff understand that some dogs are, for any of a number of reasons, on a diet of fresh food. If this is the case with your dog, all you need to do is contact staff beforehand to discuss special dietary arrangements. There is no extra charge for special diet feeding.
A: Yes, definitely. At K9 Ranch, each guest has his or her own room, so accommodating their toys is a simple matter. Two toys, maximum, per guest are allowed and these should be permanently marked or somehow labelled. (Although ranch staff will do their utmost to return these toys at the conclusion of the boarding period, K9 Ranch cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss that might occur.)
If you think your dog might benefit from a little extra reassurance while he or she is staying at K9 Ranch, it’s definitely a good idea to bring along an unwashed item from home — a t-shirt, perhaps, or a small blanket — whose comforting scent will be immediately associated with home, and you. It’s not necessary, however, for you to bring bedding: K9 ranch supplies thick, comfortable pads for all its beds as well as freshly laundered blankets.
A: Feel free to bring your dog’s favourite toys (two, maximum; permanently marked or somehow labelled) and an unwashed item from home — a t-shirt, perhaps, or a small blanket — whose comforting scent will be immediately associated with home, and you. You can even bring your dog’s bed if you know that’s the only subterfuge that will guarantee him or her a restful night’s sleep.
If your dog is the type who prefers the extra security and calmness that sleeping in a crate provides, the private guest rooms at K9 Ranch can easily accommodate sleeping crates. Simply inform ranch staff beforehand of the crate’s size and the ideally proportioned room will be selected for your dog’s stay.
Although the ranch supplies both hygienic stainless steel food and water bowls for all guests, in the event that your dog has a special need, bowl-wise — for example, elevated bowls, or special bowls that prevent gorging or gulping — then feel free to bring these along.
In terms of treats, cookie-type treats are welcome — but they’re not actually necessary since the ranch has plenty in stock for all guests.
Medications, of course, can also be brought, in their original prescription container labelled with your dog’s name, dosage, and the reason for the medication.
Ultimately, any items you bring to K9 Ranch should heighten your dog’s perception that he or she is staying in a home away from home, not an impersonal kennel. (The ranch does, however, draw the line at posters of pop music stars to adorn the walls of a dog’s guest room.)
While every effort is made to ensure that no personal items are lost or damaged during your dog’s stay at K9 Ranch, this cannot be guaranteed — the priority of ranch staff, of course, is the care and well-being of your dog above and beyond anything else.
Which is as good a place as any to mention: DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR DOG.
A: Yes, K9 Ranch is a licensed and insured commercial kennel in Adjala County, Ontario.
A: K9 Ranch staff are trained and prepared for emergencies — this includes certification in canine CPR/First Aid. However, if your dog should require unforeseen medical attention while at the ranch, the standard procedure is to first get in touch with either you or the emergency contact whose name you’ve provided. If the nature of the health issue makes a visit to a professional necessary, K9 Ranch reserves the right to choose a veterinarian. Rest assured that, with several trustworthy vets within ten kilometres of the ranch, your dog’s unexpected health situation — if it arises — would be dealt with as speedily as possible.
A: Check-out time at the conclusion of your dog’s boarding stay is 12:00 p.m. (or earlier)*. At this time, your dog’s belongings will be returned to you and your invoice presented. Only cash and e-transfer are accepted as payment, but in the near future both debit and Visa payments will also be welcome. (When booking, please ask ranch staff to confirm whether debit and Visa have been added to the available payment methods.)
Check-out time is also when staff will give you any notes regarding your dog’s boarding experience. These notes make an ideal reference for when you’re planning subsequent stays.
Lastly, for security purposes and to ensure the safety of a checking-out guest, parental photo identification may be required.
(*Please note that if a guest hasn’t been picked up by 12:00 p.m., he or she will require additional care, and the result will be a $25 late check-out fee — unless, of course, Day Camp service has been scheduled. Changes to your dog’s check-out day and/or time must be made at least 24 hours in advance and are subject to availability.)
A: K9 Ranch is synonymous with “fun canine activities” — the plentifulness of which will likely result in your dog being tired for a few days after an extended boarding period here. Yes, your dog will be ecstatic to be reunited with you but also yes, he or she might very well fall asleep in the car on the way home! Rest assured, though, this is contented-tiredness (not to be mistaken for dog-tiredness!) and should reassure you that you made exactly the right boarding decision when you chose K9 Ranch.
A: Yes. If you have two dogs staying in the same guest room, you will receive a 10% discount. See Contact➣ Pricing for details..
If your dogs tend to be food-aggressive or are likely to display sibling rivalry around their food bowls, just let ranch staff know beforehand and they can be separated at feeding-times (your dogs, not the ranch staff).
A: Yes. Since, as with pick-ups and drop-offs, K9 Ranch is “by appointment only,” all you need to do is call beforehand and schedule a tour. It’s a fact that some dog-boarding facilities do welcome casual “drop-by visits” but, given that the ranch is also Julie and Ronn’s home, they ask that you not show up unannounced.
A: If your dog hasn’t previously stayed at K9 Ranch, it’s an essential step in our process that an initial “meet and greet” be arranged. This casual-but-scheduled visit (lasting roughly 45-60 mins) will give you and your dog an opportunity to take a look at the ranch, meet the owners and staff and any sociable guests who happen to be present, have a good sniff around (this probably applies to only your dog) and generally get a feel for the welcoming K9 Ranch atmosphere. It will also enable ranch staff to get to know their potential new guest, and learn about his needs — and individual personality. This two-way once-over will ensure that K9 Ranch plus your dog equals a perfect fit.
There’s an important additional benefit to this pre-boarding visit: It allows dogs to form the understanding that K9 Ranch is an enjoyable temporary place to be — to associate a fun time at the ranch with an eventual return to their primary home, in their beloved parent’s care. Experience has shown that dogs who spend some time at the ranch beforehand will feel far less separation anxiety when it comes time for their actual overnight stay than dogs who don’t.
If you’re planning to be away for an extended period — greater than one week — and therefore will need to board your dog for that longer time, it’s advisable to take advantage of the ranch’s daycare service prior to the prolonged stay. Doing so will ensure that your four-legged child cultivates only positive and happy mental and emotional connections to K9 Ranch, and that their boarding here will be as enjoyable as possible.
If you’re interested in scheduling a tour, simply phone the ranch at 905-936-2224 or send an e-mail to
It is a strict requirement that any unaltered male dogs and dogs of the following (typically more aggressive) breeds visit the ranch beforehand for a “meet and greet” tour: Cane Corso, Fila Brasileiro, Bullmastiff, English Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Malamute, Pit Bull Terrier, Chow Chow, Dogue De Bordeaux, Saint Bernard, Presa Canario, Neapolitan Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff, African Boerboel, Dogo Argentino, Great Dane, Tosa, and Rottweiler.
A: We are a social environment, so your dog will spend time with others. In terms of sleeping arrangements, your dog will have a guest room entirely to himself or herself. And, as far as daytime activities go, the ranch features a variety of exercise and play areas to choose from: for outdoor playtime, there are the Corrals, three separate completely enclosed exercise areas of 2, 4 and 6 acres; for indoor playtime, there’s the All-Weather Corral, 600 square feet of secure, roofed space. These separate areas ensure that dogs are only kept in the company of other dogs they’re evaluated by ranch staff to be compatible with, size-wise, temperament-wise and socialization-wise. If two dogs don’t like each other, they are swiftly separated so that they can play in separate activity areas, or at different times. Similarly, if a dog prefers only dog-to-human interaction, he or she and a ranch staff member will play together in a private area, or go for a companionable one-on-one walk along one of the property’s numerous trails.
All choices and decisions are made according to your instructions — with the ultimate goal being to provide your dog with a safe and enjoyable boarding experience. Whether alone or in a group or in the company of a loving human surrogate parent, that’s what all dogs have at K9 Ranch.
A: Your dog’s guest room — (far above and beyond an ordinary “kennel”!) — should not be considered “living quarters,” but rather, a place for her to lay her contented head after an enjoyable day of participating in fun outdoor leisure activities like ball-play, swimming and nature walks, and soaking up the freedom and fresh country air that the ranch’s 26 idyllic acres provide in such abundance. A typical day would include a minimum of 3 exercise sessions outside the guest room, with each session lasting at least 30 minutes. The objective is to give your dog the freedom to take full advantage of the ranch property, the 3 separate Corrals, the hills, lowlands, woods, grass, nature trails and fresh spring-fed ponds — all entirely fenced-in. And, when Mother Nature’s ill-temper demands it, there’s the All-Weather Corral for playtime indoors as an alternative.
Dogs who’ve been evaluated to be compatible size-wise, temperament-wise and socialization-wise are allowed to play together in one of the aforementioned activity areas for as long as they behave.
And even when dogs are in their guest rooms, they still have constant access to their individual outdoor runs, so in no way are they limited to the confines of any “kennel.”
The simple truth is this: dogs never get bored or listless or depressed during their stay at K9 Ranch. Interaction and activity are plentiful — and the more they have, the healthier and happier they are. No matter what their age or activity level might be, there’s always something for them to do, always a way for them to expend their enthusiastic energy. And, as the old saying goes: “A tired dog is a happy dog.”
All this activity and interaction, by the way, are included in the ranch’s flat-rate pricing: where run-of-the-mill dog-boarding kennels charge extra for playtime, walks, and loving attention, K9 Ranch staff understand that sometimes a dog just needs a cuddle or a few extra tosses of a ball, without it all being itemized line-by-line on an invoice.
A: A typical day would include a minimum of 3-5 exercise sessions outside the guest room — (far above and beyond an ordinary “kennel”!) — with each session lasting at least 30-45 minutes, and consisting of such fun outdoor leisure activities as ball-play, swimming and nature walks. The objective is to give your dog the freedom to take full advantage of the ranch property’s 26 picturesque acres, the 3 separate Corrals, the hills, lowlands, woods, grass, nature trails and fresh spring-fed ponds — all entirely fenced-in. And, when Mother Nature’s ill-temper demands it, there’s the All-Weather Corral for playtime indoors as an alternative.
Dogs who’ve been evaluated to be compatible size-wise, temperament-wise and socialization-wise are allowed to play together in one of the aforementioned activity areas for as long as they behave.
And even when dogs are in their guest rooms, they still have constant access to their individual outdoor runs, so in no way are they limited to the confines of any “kennel.”
A: To make the transition from home to K9 Ranch as smooth as possible, and to ensure that sensitive stomachs remain free from upset, it’s best to keep your dog’s diet regular and consistent. You should therefore supply a sufficient amount of food from home to last the entire boarding period. True, it might take a day for your dog to adjust to his or her temporary home away from home, an adjustment period that sometimes manifests as disinterest in food, but ranch staff always find a way to ensure that meals are eaten. They have yet to find a dog who they’ve not been able to entice! So, fret not. Your dog will not go hungry at K9 Ranch.
A: Unfortunately we are NOT able to board unfixed male dogs — this is not always due to the temperament of the unfixed male, but because of the unpredictable nature of interactions between fixed males and the unfixed males. We are a group environment and the safety of our packs needs to remain our priority. This said unfixed females are welcome here, but only if they are not coming out of or going into a heat cycle. If you feel you would like to explore an exception to our general rule, please contact us and we ca discuss your situation.
A: The Vaccine Titer Test tells whether a dog is likely to be protected against the most common infectious canine diseases. K9 Ranch will accept a Titer Test administered within the past 12 months, if a dog is not going to be vaccinated for DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo and Parainfluenza). A Titer Test for puppies is done once the puppy vaccinations are complete and he or she is ready for booster shots.
Proof of vaccinations or of a Titer Test must be e-mailed to K9 Ranch (e-mail address: by your dog’s veterinarian, at least 7 days before the commencement of boarding.
A: Yes — but…
Here are the facts: As a commercial kennel, K9 Ranch is obliged to respect, follow and adhere to the strict county regulations that exist regarding noise. What this means is, the ranch cannot accommodate during county-specified quiet hours (in other words, at night) any dog who is considered a “repetitive barker.” A “repetitive barker” is defined, by the county, as a dog who barks continuously for 10 minutes of any 30-minute time-frame.
Repetitive barking, it should be understood, is not an ordinary occurrence at K9 Ranch — not for puppies unused to being away from home, not for older dogs who have never been boarded before. Experience has shown this to be true. For this reason, if a dog proves to be a repetitive barker during quiet nighttime hours — or, indeed, turns out to be disruptive to other boarded dogs during the day — ranch staff have up their collective sleeve a number of methods they’ve developed to counteract the repetitive barking and settle him or her down:
1) The dog will be run and exercised with the sole purpose of tiring him or her out through fun, enjoyable activity. A tired dog is far less likely to find the energy to bark for no reason.
2) Love, affection and treats will be offered to the dog inside their guest room. This shouldn’t be considered as rewarding a dog for bad behaviour, but rather, conditioning him or her to view the room as a safe, secure, happy place. Canine contentment is a sure-fire weapon against unnecessary canine vocalization.
3) If the barking problem turns out to be caused by two adjacent dogs not getting along, one or both of the dogs will be moved to a new guest room where the neighbours are more compatible.
4) As with a misbehaving child, a “time-out” is another option for a dog who barks unnecessarily and repetitively: the door to the guest room is gently closed until he or she calms down. (The dog, of course, is inside the room when this action is taken.)
If none of the above methods does the trick, ranch staff ramp up their efforts to the next level (referred to by those in the know as “DEFCON 2”):
5) The persistent repetitive barker will wear a citronella collar that sprays a quick, safe burst of citronella — a fragrant natural oil — in the vicinity of the dog’s nose whenever he or she barks. Dogs like the smell of citronella as much as they like a trip to the vet, so they will very quickly conclude that the way to avoid the smell is to STOP BARKING. This is a highly effective technique that usually results in swift success without detracting from the dog’s enjoyment of the overall boarding experience.
In the rarest of circumstances, a dog will not respond to the citronella collar, nor to any of the behaviour-modification practices mentioned above. Unfortunately, yes, for this atypical dog, there is a “DEFCON 3”….
Faced with an unhappy case like this, K9 Ranch staff will have no other option — (this is not merely a last resort, it’s a regrettable, final resort) — but to admit failure and do the only thing they can to preserve the peace, ensure the quality of the other guests’ boarding experience, and adhere to the county’s noise regulations:
6) The repetitive nuisance barker must leave K9 Ranch. He or she will be sent elsewhere — more specifically to the local emergency contact person listed on the dog-parent’s paperwork as someone who would be willing and able to take care of the dog in an extreme situation such as this.

You taking a vacation to take care of your dog is not a vacation for you. Save your vacation days for your own life recovery and battery charging. Let us help your dog recover in a healthy way.
Learn More about K9 Wellness Care