Many canine parents experience quite a bit of anxiety at the prospect of leaving their dog with someone else, no matter how trustworthy and reputable that other person or facility might be. This is especially true if the furry, four-legged child in question requires some type of medical care.

The staff at K9 Ranch understand this. And so, they do everything possible to minimize or even eliminate all traces of parental apprehension and worry. Their ultimate objective, remember, is to safeguard the health and well-being of each and every guest who stays at the ranch, whether as a boarder or a Day Camper.
Dogs who plan to spend time at K9 Ranch are required to have a parent fill out a Pet Profile Form on their behalf. The details on this form (plus applicable veterinarian records) make staff aware of any necessary specialized medical care and it’s then possible for an informed decision to be made — this is done on a case-by-case, individual basis — as to whether the particular type of medical care in question can be safely and confidently administered at the ranch. The decision usually falls on the yes side since staff here are highly trained in most aspects of canine care. However, it must be noted that, as much as they might want to, K9 Ranch is unable to board guests in the late stages of a terminal illness.
The most common form of medical care that staff at the ranch are asked to provide is the administering of medication. Rest assured that anyone involved in looking after your dog here will be skilled at dealing with guests who require medication, and expert at following parental medical instructions to the letter. Your dog’s health regimen will be scrupulously maintained, whether that involves topical medications (creams, ointments, etc.) or oral (pills, vitamins, supplements, etc.).
Oral medications should be supplied in individual doses (e.g. if a dose is “half a pill,” then all pills should be split in half ahead of time) in the original prescription container labelled with your dog’s name, dosage, and the reason for the medication. As well, all instructions should be as specific and detailed as possible so that your dog’s regimen will be followed exactly as you wish.

Unexpected Medical Care
K9 Ranch staff are trained and prepared for emergencies — this includes certification in canine CPR/First Aid. However, if your dog should require unforeseen medical attention while at the ranch, the standard procedure is to first get in touch with either you or the emergency contact whose name you’ve provided. If the nature of the health issue makes a visit to a professional necessary, K9 Ranch reserves the right to choose a veterinarian. Rest assured that, with several trustworthy vets within ten kilometres of the ranch, your dog’s unexpected health situation — if it arises — would be dealt with as speedily as possible.

We are planting 8,000 new trees, to do our part for the environment. With each dog that visits K9 Ranch we will dedicate 5% of the fee to pay for a portion of our tree program… think of it as “for each night of stay, a tree is planted”.
Learn More about Why choose K9 Ranch